b"Ammonia MonitoringThe DS2:Do More Give Your T40 a and Beyond Than Ever Before Quick Bump TestFor continuous monitoring ofGet ready to DS2! The next genera- A daily functional test (or 'bump'ammonia, or any one of eleven othertion Docking StationTM from Industrialtest), is a critical step for verifying that gases including oxygen, IndustrialScientific provides the ultimate flexi- your gas monitor's sensors, alarms and Scientific's AirAware TMseries offers ability for managing your gas monitorsdisplay are operational before entering cost-effective solution to traditionalwherever you use them. into a hazardous environment.By The stand-alone Instrument Dockingexposing an instrument to a knownAirAware Monitor Stations (IDS) provide automated cali- concentration of gas, you can deter-bration, record-keeping, diagnostics,mine if a full calibration, or other and battery recharging for your iTX,maintenance, is necessary.T82, or VX500 monitors. Wireless or ethernet connectivity allows you to link up to 100 of the multi-lingual IDSs from remote sites in your facility,or around the world, to track instru-ments, print reports, set events, and change parameters for any location from a single server.fixed-point systems. An expandedselection of sensors makes AirAware COMINGideal for area air quality monitoring inAUGUST T40 Rattler Bump Stationlight industrial, commercial, or2003!institutional environments such asTo make the functional test process research labs, hospitals, or university quick and efficient, Industrial settings. Scientific offers the Bump Station, a AirAware is equipped with electro- specially designed case that auto-chemical sensing technology, digitalmatically exposes the T40 Rattler (or Modbus capability, dual alarm LEDs,HS110) to the bump test gas when the a digital display, and push-button lid is closed. The transparent enclos-operation in a NEMA 4 type enclo- ure makes it easy to observe the unit's sure. A wide choice of options andalarm and LCD response. When the accessories are also available to meettest is completed and the lid is opened, your specific monitoring needs,the valve automatically closes to shut-including dual-alarm relays, external TM off the flow of gas and prevent waste.strobe alarms, or a 4-20 mA controlDS2 Docking Station The Bump Station is available for the device to monitor multiple sensors inWhether you manage one gas monitorT40 Rattler or the HS110 single gasremote locations. or an entire fleet, the DS2 gives youmonitors and can be purchased with orContact Industial Scientific todaysuperior versatility and cost-savings. without a regulator. A variety of bumpfor more details on how AirAware canContact Industrial Scientific today totest gases are also available.Contact benefit your monitoring applications.find out how the DS2 can streamlineIndustrial Scientific today for more your gas monitoring program. details.Monitor Ammonia, Chlorine, Oxygen, Carbon Moxoxide, Nitric Oxide, Sulfur Dioxide,iTX 6-Unit ChargerChlorine Dioxide, Phosphine,IntroducedHydrogen Sulfide, Nitrogen Diox-ide, or Hydrogen Chloride. Simultaneously charge up to six iTX Bright visual display constantlymonitors at once with the new iTX shows gas concentrations multi-unit charger.Simply attach the 12-24 V DC operation charging cable to the monitor and place the instrument into the cradle.Optional 4-20 mA output available The iTX's LCD screen will activate to n roduc iTX 6-Unit Charger 5ne display th r ing moded cttssew complete. e charg status and,universalAC input for compatibility CSA approved wpp o u AC supply voltage from 100-Single button calibration, alarmonce the unit is fully charged, the iTX muting,and air zeroing funtions will beep six times and turn off thewith anyLCD to indicate the charging cycle is240 volts. The plug is internationally Choice of 120v AC wall plug or The multi-unit charger usescompatible for adaptation to any4-20 mA power supply a 75% duty cycle rating and has a country's standard."