b'PRESIDENT\'S MESSAGE Intense Focus Continues on Quality, Satisfactionand Innovative Products for our Customersthat going private was the right thingprovides the platform upon which to do.Our most recent surveys Industrial Scientific can eventually(relentlessly conducted by aneliminate all of your instrument independent market research firm) ownership burdens, thus freeing up indicate a 97.6% overall customereven more of your time and reducing By Kent McElhattan satisfaction level and that almost all ofyour costs.our customers (98.4%) would Gas monitoring is all we doweWhat a privilege to concentrate allrecommend Industrial Scientific love it, we\'re enthusiastic about it.our attention and resources on servingproducts to a colleague.Of course,You shouldn\'t need to become an youand only you!Since goingwe are not satisfied with theseexpert in gas monitoring just to makeprivate four years ago and eliminatingnumbers and are striving to reach andpurchase decisions and determine the distraction of outside financial maintain 100%. how best to keep your workers safe.investors, we have significantly One of our most intense centers ofEvery one of us at Industrial increased capital investment infocus today is to reduce the number ofScientific is committed to being an technology, tools and equipment; wetasks you are responsible for whenobjective resource to you. We will doubled the staff in customer services,you own and operate gas monitoringgive you the assurance and intensified and perfected our qualityequipment. These tasks include bump confidence that you are employingsystem, built a state-of-the-art Strifetesting, calibrating, repair andbest practices in your gas monitoring testing lab, introduced many new maintenance, record-keeping, andequipment and procedures, as well as products, and increased our producttraining. The DS1000, launched inthe lowest cost. and service performance expectations 1999, successfully automated bump I always enjoy hearing from our across the board. All with only onetesting, calibration, and record- customers and I encourage you to goal in mind:providing the highest keeping. This helped to free up somecontact me at 412-490-1890 (direct quality products and the best time for today\'s overworked safetyline) or e-mail at kentm@indsci.com.customer service each person atprofessional. Thank you for your business and for Industrial Scientific can possiblyThe DS2 Docking Station, being your trust in Industrial Scientific.deliver to you. introduced in this Newsletter, does thatConsistent increases in Industrialeven better in a smaller, lighter, less Sincerely yours,Scientific\'s customer satisfaction andexpensive, second generation package.customer loyalty metrics demonstrateThe DS2 Docking Station alsowaterway shipping because Upper Lakes from previous page of their ability to dischargeits safety distributor, Upperhuge amounts of coal or Lakes is able to get on-sitegrain from their cargo hold service for its Industrialvia a conveyer belt and Scientific equipment. The unloading boom, which can Captain points out that, whenbe swung out over a dock.a monitor does need to bePower plants and steel serviced, they\'ve been able tomanufacturers utilize the reduce their down-time ships to avoid the high costs significantly and added, "We of constructing and maintain-can get the unit back theing shore-side unloading same day in many cases." facilities.Upper Lakes uses IndustrialPhotobyKenHamilton(kenneth.hamilton@shaw.ca)In addition to portable Scientific LTX310 andEarlier this year, Upper Lakes\' John D. Leitch (above) was monitors, Upper Lakes also TMX412 portable instru- equipped with a fixed-point monitoring system that utilizes an decided to install Industrial ments on its ships for various infrared platform to monitor onboard methane hazards. Scientific fixed-pointconfined space applications,systems on its fleet of self-such as samplingunloaders recently. Theatmospheres in the ballast tanks andmethane, in addition to increases incompany has upgraded four of its ships cargo holds.On the larger cargo carbon monoxide, a sign of possiblewith the new equipment over the last two vessels known as self-unloaders, thehot spots and smoldering contentsyears.Mr. Neuenhagen describes thecrew needs to continuously monitorcommon to coal transport.Self-for combustible hazards, such as unloaders are the workhorses of see Upper Lakes next page2'